Hera Syndulla, or known as 'Space Mum' by the rebel crew of of the Spectres. She is a Twi'lek female who started of as a leader of small rebellion unit against the Galactic Empire. She is usually the pilot of the VCX-100 light frieghter Ghost in their missions and would soon rose among the ranks to become a General by the time of Battle of Yavin.
She has a son with Kanan Jarrus, named Jacen Syndulla.
For more info on Hera Syndulla, visit the entire Wookipedia Article on Hera Syndulla.
There are two Hera pops:
Hera #136 (2016) - Link Here
General Hera Syndulla #653 (2023) - Link Here
Tags: Hera, Syndulla, General Syndulla, Rebels, Star Wars, Funko Pop, Vanessa Marshall, Mary Elizabeth Winstead