R2-D2 (Facet) #593 (2023)

 R2-D2 (Facet) #593 

(Funkoshop Exclusive 2023)

R2-D2, also known as Artoo-Detoo or R2 (Artoo) is a R2-series astromech droid. It started his service under Queen Amidala and later serving Anakin Skywalker and kept moving on to serve Senator Bail Organa before ended in the hands of Luke Skywalker. Since then it has always been with the Rebellion and later the Resistance until it reunited with its old master Luke Skywalker.

For more info on R2-D2, visit the entire Wookipedia Article on R2-D2

Link to other R2-D2 Pops

Tags: R2-D2, R2D2, Star Wars, Funko Pop, Kenny Baker, Facet, 593