Ronin, is a character from The Duel, an animated short episode from a Star Wars: Visions. This is a series of Japanese-inspired animation on alternate history of Star Wars. He was a wandering traveller with hi B5-56 droid, hunting sith samurais to collect kyber crystals from their lightsabers as trophies.
For more info on Ronin & The Duel, visit the entire Wookipedia Article on The Duel.
There are two Ronin pops.
The Ronin & B5-56 (GITD) #502 (2022) - Link Here
The Ronin #505 (2022) - Link Here
Tags: Star Wars, Funko Pop, Ronin, Visions, Takanobu Mizuno, Samurai, Jedi, B556, B5-56