Jyn Erso, is a human female soldier who eventually became a crucial member of the Rogue One who managed to steal the Death Star engineering plans during the Battle of Scarif. As the daughter of Galen Erso, the scientist forced to create the Death Star, she found her calling to find the plans which has a design flaw to clear her father's name.
For more info on Jyn Erso, visit the entire Wookipedia Article on Jyn Erso.
Jyn Erso (Original) #138 (2016) - Link Here
Jyn Erso (Mountain Gear) #148 (2016) - Link Here
Jyn Erso (Hooded) #150 (2016) - Link Here
Jyn Erso (Imperial Disguise) #152 (2016) - Link Here
Jyn Erso (Disguise) #178 (2017) - Link Here
Young Jyn Erso #185 (2017) - Link Here
Jyn Erso (Power of the Galaxy) #555 (2022) - Link Here
Tags: Star Wars, Funko, Stardust, Felicity Jones, Jyn Erso, Hooded, Imperial, Disguise, Mountain Gear