Death Star Droid (White) #188 (2017)

 Death Star Droid (White) #188
NYCC New York Comic Con Exclusive 2017

Death Star Droid, or RA-7 protocol droid is also known as the insect droid due to its similarity with insect's head. It was known as the Death Star Droid because it was first seen on the Death Star in A New Hope. It was later seen across the galaxy in different movies and tv series in its different variant or evolutions.

For more info on  Death Star Droid, visit the entire Wookipedia Article on RA-7 Protocol Droid.

Link to other Death Star Droid Pops.
Tags: Death Star Droid, RA7, RA-7, Protocol, Droid, A New Hope, Star Wars, Funko Pop, Insect, 188