Wicket #26 (2013)

 Wicket #26 (2013)

Wicket Wystri Warrick, was a male Ewok scout living on the forest moon of Endor. Wicket first appeared in the 1983 film "Return of the Jedi", where he played a significant role in the Rebel Alliance's mission to destroy the second Death Star. He encountered the film's main protagonist, Princess Leia Organa, when she became separated from her group on Endor. Initially cautious, Wicket eventually formed a friendship with Leia and helped her in their fight against the Galactic Empire. His bravery and resourcefulness were instrumental in the Rebel's victory.

For more info on Wicket, visit the entire Wookipedia Article on Wicket Wystri Warrick.

Link to other Ewok pops.
Links to Other Wicket Pops.

Tags: Wicket, Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars, Funko Pop, Ewok, Warwick Davis, 26